Monday, December 8, 2014

Periodisation the next exercise Trend?

personal training clifton

Bootcamp personal Training Bristol
Another year has just arrived and another battle to complete those New Year’s resolutions has just begun. Most of us will have made at least one fitness goal we intend on completing. Your goal might be weight loss, weight gain or a sporting performance and this year you are looking for an edge to increase your chance of success. If you train the same way all the time your body would become accustomed to the programme and you fitness levels will plateau. One technique used by most athletes is periodisation. Periodisation is a great way to get optimum results from your training.

In the context of fitness, periodisation means changes in intensity, volume and frequency of training over a period of time. These factors are systematically structured to avoid over-training and produce greatest results. The ancient Greeks first used periodisation to prepare their athletes for the Olympics. Milo of Croton changed intensity over time by lifting a bull-calf on a daily basis until it had reached full maturity. Although this basic periodisation plan was completed by default Milo never lost a wrestling match in five consecutive Olympics. Modern periodisation wasn’t really defined until the 1970’s. This was due, at least in part, to some groundbreaking research by the noted physiologist Hans Selye, who ultimately formulated what he called the ‘general-adaptation syndrome’. According to this theory the body responds to ‘stressors’ (environmental stress) by adapting to meet the demands (it adapts by improving). When the adaptive response is reached the body stops changing until a new type of stress is introduced to produce further adaptation. Therefore periodisation introduces ever-changing stressors to produce maximum results.

Two main training philosophies are linear and non-linear periodisation. Linear periodisation generally consists of microcycles of 3-4 weeks and is completed in succession. An example of this would be hypertrophy training for 3 weeks, strength training for 3 weeks followed by power training for a further 3 weeks. This type of periodisation training is great for sports that have definable competition periods 3-4 times per year. Non-linear periodisation has dramatic changes that occur within a weeklong training cycle. An example would be Monday hypertrophy training, Wednesday strength training and Friday power training. Non-linear periodisation is best used by sports with long seasons and frequent competitions.

 Non-linear periodisation is also best used by individuals with no competition goals but physical goals such as weight loss. Researchers from Arizona State University found during a 12-week study that a non-linear trained group improved 29% (Bench press) and 56% (Leg press) compared to 14% (Bench press) and 26% (Leg press) in the linear trained group. Another advantage of non-linear periodisation is the variety in a training week, which reduces the boredom often seen in gym-based programmes. Although non-linear periodisation is best suited for the non-athlete there is nothing stopping you trying linear periodisation. Always seek help from a qualified instructor or personal trainer when designing a new programme.

High Bar Step up Personal Training clifton

The Non-linear Periodisation Programme

Before commencing this programme seek clearance from a medical practitioner. A six-week conditioning programme designed by a qualified instructor should be completed before commencing this programme.

The following programme is an example of an all-over body resistance programme. This programme is only one example of many that can utilise non-linear periodisation. The programme should be followed for no more than 4 weeks. After completion, seek help from a qualified instructor or personal trainer for a change of programme.

The non-linear periodisation plan
Workout Type Sets Reps Load Tempo Rest
1 Mass 3 12-8 Med 1,0,2 60sec
2 Strength 3 8-6 High 2,1,2 180sec
3 Endurance 4 25-20 Low 1,0,2 30sec
4 Power 3 15-12 Med 1,0,1 60sec

All four workouts should be completed in order once per week. Follow the exercises listed in the programme, change the variables listed in the table from workout to workout. All four workouts should be completed in order once per week. A warm-up of 5-10 min cardio should be completed at the start of the workout. A warm down and full body stretch session should be completed at the end. A possible workout plan could be:

Monday Workout 1
Tuesday Workout 2
Wednesday Cardio and core work
Thursday Workout 3
Friday Cardio and core work
Saturday Workout 4
Sunday Rest

The Exercises

Do not hold your breath, breath out on exertion. Select a load suitable for the rep range. Maintain technique throughout exercise, once you lose your technique stop!

1. Front Squats

Front Squat Personal Training CliftonStarting position
Feet should be between hip and shoulder width apart, toes forward and slightly outward. Keep elbows high, eyes on the horizon and the chest up. Move with hips first then knees. Squat as if sitting into a chair, keeping the abdominals strong. Stop decent if the heels start to rise or the pelvis tilts backward. Stop when the thighs are parallel to the floor.

Up phase
Drive through your heels using your glutes and quads. Keep eyes on the horizon, abdominals strong and the chest up throughout the movement. Do not lock your knees at the top of the movement.

2. Swiss ball Lunge

Start position
Place back leg flat on Swiss ball. Keep feet parallel and hips facing forward throughout the entire movement. Keep eyes on the horizon and the chest up throughout the exercise. Bend both knees simultaneously, do not let the knees travel over the toes.

Up phase
Return to starting position, finish rep range on one side then swap sides.

3. Swiss ball Chest Dumbbell Press

Starting position
Sit on Swiss ball with dumbbells on your thighs. Slowly roll down ball keeping your hips parallel with the floor. Stop when the head and neck are resting on the ball in a neutral position.

Down phase
Hold the dumbbells so your elbows are directly in-line with your hands. Keep the back and neck in a neutral position throughout the entire lift. Slowly lower the dumbbells until your arms are just past 90 degrees from your shoulders.

Up phase
Return the dumbbells to the starting position, do not lock elbows at the top of the lift.

4. One Arm Row

Starting position
Place one knee and one hand on the Swiss ball. Keep the back and neck in a neutral position. Start with the dumbbell at your side without dropping your shoulder.

Up phase
Raise the dumbbell to the side of your stomach, keeping your elbow close to your side. Do not twist your back to raise the dumbbell. Once rep range has been reached swap sides.

5. Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Up phase
Feet should be between hip and shoulder width apart, toes forward and slightly outward. Hold the dumbbells slightly forward and to the outside of your shoulders. Keep the back and neck in a neutral position and abdominals strong throughout the entire lift. Press the dumbbell above your head while keeping your elbows slightly forward of your body. Do not let the dumbbells touch at the top of the movement.

Down phase
Slowly lower the dumbbells to the starting position. You control the dumbbells decent do not let gravity lower the dumbbells.

Personal Trainer
M: 07511468490
Twitter: @LesmillsPT

Saturday, November 8, 2014

What is Human Balance?

Balance Personal Training Clifton
Balance is referred to as an individual’s ability to produce and maintain a stable posture. Although balance is not the main focus of most individuals training goals it has a great importance to everyday life. According to the ACC 2015 statistical data, falls are the most common injury in older adults. Many factors can cause the elderly to fall but the underlining cause is a lack of ability to balance. Not only can these injuries have long lasting effects, such as loss of mobility for the individual, but in some cases cause death. Most sporting situations require a degree of balance for success. Not only will increasing balance improve an athletes sporting performance but will also decrease the chance of injury caused by loss of balance during sport.

An individual’s ability to balance is affected by two main areas, sensing change in body position and the ability to affect change in body position. There are three systems used within the body to sense change in position, vestibular (inner ear), visual (eyes), and somatosensory (soma = body, sensory = sensations). The vestibular system is found in the inner ear, it senses change in motion and position of the head. The visual system provides information to the brain on the body’s position in respect to the external world. The somatosensory system is responsible for conveying sensory information from the skin, muscles and joints to the brain. All three systems are used in combination to help the body balance.

The ability to change body position, in order to maintain posture, can be controlled actively by thinking about it or passively without thought. Our bodies usually use a combination of the two. The nervous systems postural reflexes control posture passively (sub-consciously). The body’s muscles and nervous system are used to actively control body position; an example would be changing arm position when balancing on one leg.

When your goal is to improve your balance you must improve both your ability to sense change and your ability to affect change in the body’s position. There are many techniques used for improving balance such as exercising while standing on one leg or performing exercises with your eyes closed. In this article we will look at just one technique, overloading both the somatosensory system and the muscles controlling balance. To improve a physical ability you can overload (make its job harder) than normally experienced.

Balance personal Training clifton A good technique, when training for improvement in the somatosensory system, is to increase the demand on the system by making the base of support (i.e. the floor) unstable. The most common pieces of equipment used in the gym are the swiss ball or the wobble board which both work in two ways. Firstly by creating an unstable base of support making it harder for the body to sense change in position relative to the ground which then increases this system’s ability to work during normal situations. Secondly, making it harder to change the body’s position by not having a solid platform to push against, this helps to increase strength and stability of the muscles concerned with control of balance. This is especially important for older adults when lack of muscle strength is a key factor in causing falls.

personal Training Bristol
The Balance Exercises

The following exercises can be used in addition to an individual existing exercise programme. If you have any known physical or medical conditions see your doctor for clearance before commencing these exercises. If possible have a qualified instructor check your technique.

The Wobble Board

A wobble board is usually a disc shaped board with a smaller dome on the base creating an unstable platform, although they do come in many shapes and sizes. An air-filled plastic wobble board with a wooden disc for stability was used for the following example. The wobble board has been widely used by physiotherapists for rehabilitation of lower limb injuries. It can be used to help improve the nervous system and stabilizing muscles. Within gyms the wobble board has been used more and more in a range exercises such as squats, lunges and press-ups to help improve balance and create variation from traditional techniques.

Wobble board squat and one arm shoulder press is an excellent exercise for improving balance while still completing a resistance style exercise. You should do the exercise at the start of your programme when your nervous system is fresh. Because the exercise uses a large number of muscle groups it is great for warming up the entire body.

The Swiss Ball

The swiss ball is widely used for improving strength, increasing muscle tone, increasing flexibility and in this case improving balance. The same principles for improving balance with the wobble board apply to the Swiss ball.

Swiss ball balance exercises can be preformed at the start of an exercise programme to warm-up or at the end of a programme as a cool-down. Make sure there are no objects or obstructions within a falling radius that may cause injury. When you have mastered the level 1 exercise by completing 2-3 sets with good technique for 1min, move on to the next level.

Wobble board squat with one arm medicine ball shoulder press.

Starting position
Place wobble boards shoulder width apart. Use a 1-6 kg medicine ball depending on strength. Stand on wobble boards with medicine ball in left hand at shoulder level.

Down phase of the squat (left arm shoulder press)
Feet should be between hip and shoulder width apart, toes forward and slightly outward. Keep the medicine ball steady at shoulder level, eyes on the horizon and the chest up. Move with hips first then knees. Squat as if sitting into a chair, keeping the abdominals strong. Stop descent if the pelvis tilts backward or when the thighs are parallel to floor which ever comes first.

Up phase of the squat
Start the one arm shoulder press halfway through the up phase of the squat. Keep eyes on the horizon and the chest up throughout the movement. At the completion of the squat and shoulder press transfer the medicine ball to the right hand.

Down phase of the squat (right arm shoulder press)
Repeat steps taken for the left arm.

Up phase of the squat
As before, start the one arm shoulder press halfway through the up phase of the squat. Keep eyes on the horizon and the chest up throughout the movement. At the completion of the squat and shoulder press transfer the medicine ball to the left hand

Swiss ball balance exercise.

Level 1: Four point stance

Mounting the ball
Start in an open area with a flat level surface. Place knees shoulder width apart against the ball. Place hands slightly outside the line of your knees on the opposite side of the ball. Slowly transfer your weight over the ball until you are balancing on top of the ball.

Holding the exercise
You should have four-point contact with the ball using both hands and knees. Keep back and neck in neutral position during exercise. Draw bellybutton towards spine to keep abdominals strong. Hold position for up to 1 min.

Slowly move your body weight backwards off the ball until your feet make contact with the ground.

Level 2: Three point stance

Holding the exercise
The same technique is used for mounting and dismounting the ball in three-point stance as in four-point stance. There is a difference when holding the exercise. Once four-point stance is reached, slowly raise your right arm until it is inline with your back. Keep neck and back in neutral position. Hold for half the time of the total exercise then slowly return to four-point stance and raise the left arm.

Level 3: Kneeling on the Swiss ball
Start with same technique as four-point stance. Then slowly rise up to a kneeling position with arms out parallel to the floor for balance. Keep eyes on horizon and chest up.

Level 4: Kneeling on the Swiss ball with one arm medicine ball fly
Start in the kneeling position on the Swiss ball. When you have reached a stable position with out stretched hands raise a 1kg medicine ball in front of you. Slowly move the ball in one hand out to the side until it is inline with your body then slowly move the ball back into the middle. Grab hold of the ball in the opposite hand and repeat step. Continue with movement until set is over.

Personal Trainer
M: 07511468490
Twitter: @LesmillsPT

Thursday, April 10, 2014

What is the Bosu?

Personal Training clifton Balance Bosu
Have you wondered what the new piece of equipment, which looks like a giant blue marshmallow is all about? It’s not so simply called a ‘Bosu’, which is an acronym for "both sides up". One side is a solid platform 25 inches across, the other side is domed shaped similar to half a swiss ball. The bosu can be used with solid side down or up creating two distinctive balancing modes. This unique design makes the bosu an extremely versatile and functional piece of equipment.

 A small group of professional and Olympic teams first used prototypes of the bosu in 1999. David Weck invented the bosu when he saw a need for a safe and effective piece of equipment that challenges the users balance, core stability and pro-perception. The bosu has two unique properties. Firstly, it is very versatile you can use the bosu for many training modes such as: strength, power, cardio, rehab and core stability training. Secondly, no matter what mode of training you are performing on the bosu balance and stability will also be a factor.

The bosu works great as a platform for traditional weight training exercises. Leg exercises such as squats and deadlifts, upper body exercises such as dumbbell press and one arm rows can performed using the bosu as a base of support. Power training such as plyometrics can be performed using the bosu. Try jumping on and off the bosu at different angles not only are you performing a plyometric but the changes in angles help improve agility necessary for most sporting situations. Group fitness classes using bosu’s for cardiovascular exercise can already be found in the USA. If they haven’t already started it is only a matter of time before a class similar to step classes will be started in New Zealand. Jogging or stepping on to the bosu will give you a cardiovascular response similar to using a rebounder or stepping on to a box.

The bosu works very much the same way as a wobble board is used in rehabilitation. Standing on an unstable platform increases the amount of work the stabilizating muscles have to do to keep balance. The properceptive system (senses body’s position) also has to work a lot hard to maintain a balanced posture. Overloading these systems will in a normal situation increase their ability to function. The bosu can be used to perform many of the same core stability exercises found using a swiss ball. Because of the unique nature of the bosu, new core stability exercise can be perform such as rollout while kneeling on the bosu or bridging with elbows on the domed side. The variation of exercises and modes of training using the bosu is huge. Because of the doubled sided nature of the bosu some exercise can be made more difficult by having the dome-side facing down. An example would be performing squats on the solid-side up.

The most important factor the bosu has to offer is no matter what mode of training you perform balance and stability will also be trained at the same time. This makes the bosu a great piece of equipment for the average exercises enthusiasts to the professional athlete. The two for one deal is a great way to save time allocated towards training. With today’s busy lifestyle time set aside for training is at a premium, for example the bosu gives you the opportunity to strength train and work on stability at the same time. Sporting situations place great demands on balance and stability, exercises using the bosu gives you a more sports specific style of training. For example performing squats on a bosu not only improves strength but also places great demands on balance and stability.

If you are looking for more information on training with the bosu there are DVDs, videos and books found on the Internet at sites such as If you do not have access to a bosu, try the larger sporting retail stores. Prices range around $170.00.

The Exercises

The following exercises can be used in addition to an individual existing exercise programme. Before commencing any exercise seek clearance from a medical practitioner. If possible have a qualified instructor check your technique.

Do not hold your breath, breathe out on exertion. Maintain a neutral spine position and switch on your inner core on before starting exercises. Maintain technique throughout exercise, once you lose your technique -stop! Make sure you perform all exercises in a cleared area with no chance of contacting objects during falls.

The following exercises are not to be used as a programme; they are merely an example of verity of different exercise modes that the bosu can be used.

1. Bosu Squats (Strength training)
Bosu squats can be performed with a barbell, dumbbells, medicine balls or simply body weight. A great exercise for strengthening the back and lower limbs. The nature of the exercise places greater demands on muscle stability and balance compared to traditional squats. Performing bosu squats with curved side down increases the difficultly of the exercise.

Starting position
Feet should be width apart, toes forward and slightly outward. Keep elbows directly under the bar, eyes on the horizon and the chest up. Move with hips first then knees.

Down phase
Squat as if sitting into a chair, keeping the abdominals strong. Stop decent if you start to lose your balance or the pelvis tilts backward. Stop when the thighs are parallel to floor.

Up phase
Drive through your heels using your glutes and quads. Keep eyes on the horizon, abdominals strong and the chest up throughout the movement. Do not lock your knees at the top of the movement.

2. Alternating M/ball Bosu press (Power training)
Mixing elements of power and stability training this exercise can be very demanding. This exercise will increase upper body (chest) power when performed with explosive speed. The nature of the exercise will help increase coordination and stability of the upper body.

Starting position
Place two bosu’s just greater then shoulder width apart. Start with the medicine ball next to the left hand bosu. You can perform full press-ups or start on your knees depending on your training experience. Place your left hand on the medicine ball and your right hand on the bosu to the right.

Down and up phase
Perform a press up until your upper arms are parallel to the floor. As you come up to the starting position move your left hand first by rolling the medicine ball to the bosu on the right. Then place your left hand on the bosu on the left. As you do this place your right hand on the medicine ball next the bosu on the right. Repeat steps on opposite sides until rep range has been reached.

3. One-legged balance (Balance/Rehab training)
This is a joint stability and balance exercise. A one-legged balance exercise is usually performed for rehabilitation of the lower limbs, hips or lower back. Because the bosu produces an unstable platform, this exercise helps increase stability of the ankles, knees and hips. When performing rehabilitation exercises always seek guidance from a qualified professional.

Starting and finishing position
Place one foot on the centre of the bosu. Slowly step up and raise the opposite foot slightly of the bosu by bending your knee. Try to keep your hips level with each other. Keep your eyes on the horizon and the chest up throughout entire exercise. Hold this position for 10-20 sec or until you lose balance. Repeat with opposite side. Always start with weaker side first.

4. Rollouts on Bosu (Core stability training)
Rollouts on a bosu will place demands on balance and inner core strength. This exercise highlights the need to have a strong integration between the inner core and the thorax muscles, which in turn, are linked to our legs and arms.

Starting position
Kneel on a bosu while placing both arms in the middle of a swiss ball, which is about half a metre away. Maintain a neutral back and neck position at all times throughout the entire exercise.

Finishing position
Slowly roll the swiss ball away from the bosu. Maintain a neutral back and neck position at all times throughout the entire exercise. Make sure your forearms are in contact with the S/balls and your inner core muscles are switched on. As your increase in core strength increase the distance your roll the swiss ball away. Slowly return to starting position.

Personal Trainer
M: 07511468490
Twitter: @LesmillsPT